Finding an apartment, getting a bed, a table, a shelf or two, some plates and cups, then pots, a washing machine, getting a telephone line that works (still unsuccessful, not to mention internet connection), knowing the right names to contact, asking for favours, meeting people and trying to make friends, dealing with a plugged drainage, getting the shower to work and accepting that it won't, getting gas so that you can finally boil some rice, getting water so that you don't have to choose between doing laundry or taking a bath…Some of these problems are finally solved (AlHamdulillah, thank God).Some are still waiting (Inshaa'alla, If God wills it). And then there are the challenges of working with and ministering to people who may try to avoid speaking English, which happens to be the only way of communication for us, as least for now. I am still not talking about culture differences, social and political differences…
These challenges remind me to thank God for every blessing, and there are plenty of them:
- A kind word from my landlord, "don't worry about water, let me know when you need more."
- An email from a friend asking if she can send a parcel of goodies from home.
- Finding a used toaster at a ridiculously low price and have been able to enjoy a good breakfast every morning.
- Visited a neighbour and on my leaving, she mustered her limited ability to speak in English, "you are family."
- ...